Profile Description

Dr. Robert (Bob) Nisson was born and raised in California. Dr. Nisson was always very adept with his hands as a child. While he was in Jr. High School, Dr. Nisson assisted his father, LeRoy Nisson, DDS, (who was a dentist to many movie stars, including Marilyn Monroe, Howard Hughes, and Ginger Rogers), by frequently constructing orthodontic models. Helping his dad in this way developed his interest in Dentistry. Dr. Nisson attended high school in Granada Hills, California. Upon graduation in 1979, Dr. Nisson chose to attend Dixie College in St. George, UT. During the first year in college, Dr. Nisson was the Freshman Class president and participated in drama and theatrical productions. Between the years of 1980-1982, Dr. Nisson served a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Alberta, Canada. After his return in 1982, Dr. Nisson returned to Dixie College and received an Associate’s Degree in Science. Following graduation from Dixie College, Dr. Nisson attended the University of Utah in Salt Lake City, Utah, where he continued to excel and work hard in school. Wanting to follow in his father’s footsteps, Dr. Nisson then applied and was accepted into the University Of Southern California School Of Dentistry. While in dental school, Dr. Nisson applied himself to his studies and enjoyed the clinical side of dentistry the most. Tooth Morphology and Dynamics of Occlusion were favorite subjects of Dr. Nisson. Frequently, you could find him carving teeth long into the night. Dr. Nisson was involved in politics in dental school and was selected as a student representative to the American Dental Association. This was a wonderful opportunity to travel to many cities and visit other dental schools and observe students round the country. Also, during his junior year at USC, Dr. Nisson had the privilege to be selected as 1 of 3 students who could perform sedation or twilight sleep on patients. This experience allowed him to become proficient to administer drugs to patients and help his patients overcome the anxiety of dental procedures. In 1988 Dr. Nisson married and following his graduation from USC dental school in 1989, moved to Boulder City, Nevada. After one year, Dr. Nisson opened and established Warm Springs Dental in Henderson, Nevada. After founding Warm Springs Dental, Dr. Nisson was very pleased to have his former USC classmates and close friends, Dr. Timpson and Dr. Newton join his practice. Expanding by opening Anthem Village Dental has provided additional opportunity to serve the Henderson community. Dr. Nisson lives in Henderson with his wife, Virginia. They have four wonderful children. He is very involved with his church where he currently volunteers as a Scoutmaster having achieved the rank of Eagle Scout himself. In his spare time, Dr. Nisson likes to water-ski, travel, garden, and landscape, take his son to USC games, and spend time with his family.

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Location Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
WARM SPRINGS DENTAL LLC - 89014 08:00 am - 05:00 pm 08:00 am - 05:00 pm 08:00 am - 05:00 pm 08:00 am - 05:00 pm 08:00 am - 05:00 pm
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Frequently Asked Questions

Q.How soon can I make an appointment with Dr.ROBERT W. NISSON?

Ans.Generally, Dr. ROBERT W. NISSON has appointments available on 1teethwhite.com within 1 week. You can see Dr. NISSON's earliest availability on 1teethwhite.com and make an appointment online.

Q.Is Dr. ROBERT W. NISSON accepting new patients?

Ans.Dr. ROBERT W. NISSON generally accepts new patients on 1teethwhite.com. You can see Dr. NISSON's earliest availability on 1teethwhite.comand schedule an appointment online.

Q.Does Dr. ROBERT W. NISSON accept my insurance?

Ans.Choose your insurance plan to verify if Dr. NISSON is in-network.

Q.Can I make an appointment with Dr. ROBERT W. NISSON online?

Ans.Yes, you can make an appointment online with Dr. NISSON using 1teethwhite.com. It’s simple, secure, and free.

Q.What practice does Dr. ROBERT W. NISSON work with?


Q.Where is Dr. ROBERT W. NISSON’s office located?

Ans.Dr. ROBERT W. NISSON's office is located at 1525 W WARM SPRINGS RD #100, HENDERSON, NV, 89014.

Q.What are common reasons for patients to see Dr. ROBERT W. NISSON?

Ans.Dr. ROBERT W. NISSON frequently sees patients for Dental Cleaning, Dental Consultation, Dental Emergency, Dental Preventive Care, and Filling. You can see other visit reasons for Dr. ROBERT W. NISSON on their profile.

Q.What languages does Dr. ROBERT W. NISSON speak?

Ans.Dr.ROBERT W. NISSON speaks English. At this WARM SPRINGS DENTAL LLC English are spoken.

Q.How do patients rate Dr. ROBERT W. NISSON in reviews?

Ans.0 patients have reviewed Dr. ROBERT W. NISSON. The overall rating for this doctor is 0.0/5. They have a 0.0/5 rating for staff and a 0.0/5 rating for wait time. Practice is rated as 0.0/5. You can read individual reviews and ratings on their profile.

Q.Are fixed payment plans for specific treatments available with this Denitst?


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